Thumbtack guerrillas

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Bike riders beware.
Someone has apparently been putting down thumbtacks across the roads in Central Park. The concern, as CBS 2′s Tony Aiello found out Thursday, revolves around a possible backlash against the bike movement…’
It’s hard to feel sympathy for bike riders–too often they’re smug greenie assholes and too often they impede traffic.

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47 Responses to Thumbtack guerrillas

  1. ANDY5759 says:

    Yes, it is rather difficult to sympathise with luminescent lycra clad, red light jumping, pavement riding, traffic slowing, uninsured, smug, green saviours of the planet. Not that I spend too much time trying. As for the tin tacks on park paths; won’t they also catch the jogging, sweaty, bottled water guzzling, non smoking, teetotaller, health nazi, smug, chasers of immortality? Any sympathy there? Nah, not a jot.

    • Ronbo says:

      Here in Seattle our Communist mayor gives the green light to the Leftie bike riders to ignore traffic laws – for example, not riding their bikes on sidewalk, which makes a walk downtown a game of dodge ’em.

      Of course, the vehicle drivers in this part of the dis-united states have taken to doing “hit and runs” of certain obnoxious bikers and on many street poles you see pictures of dead bikers with a notice of reward for the I.D.s of the drivers.

      For some strange reason, the police seldom find and arrest these felons… ;-)

  2. KG says:

    :whoop exactly!

  3. Katie says:

    You forget that children are bike riders too. Yes the kids are slow, but for them its the fastest way to your friend’s house, to the store for Mom, or to pretend your doped up and riding the Tour de France.

    As a kid my bike was the fastest thing I had to get around on.,

    Just wait until some kid is hurt doing this.

    • KG says:

      I used the term “too often” Katie, not “invariably”.
      Yes, kids ride bikes, we’re aware of that and hadn’t forgotten it. But they don’t behave the way club riders and a lot of bike commuters do.
      Also, a puncture from a thumbtack is so small in diameter that no tyre is going to lose pressure so quickly as to be dangerous.
      Again and again I’ve come round a bend or over a crest to find the entire lane of a two-lane road blocked by bloody stupid and inconsiderate bike riders. The more of them get punctures and the more often, the better.
      If any kid is killed by a thumbtack I’ll gladly reconsider my stance. Or not. :lol:

      • Katie says:

        That is too true. I’m afraid of a kid falling and getting stuck with a pin. That can happen.

        As for these idiots who believe that they are the only ones on the road, they are so rude to kids and family riders.

        BTW I’ve taken to bike riding. Gave up the car (gas is too expensive) and taken to a bike. Good exercise in that. And for the record, I am a courteous rider. What these club riders and bike commuters do as riders they would do as drivers. Bad manners is still bad manners.

  4. Darin says:

    Years ago when I was still logging the country roads on the weekends used to be taken over by the bike clubs and they are a bunch of idiots.They would take up both sides of a narrow two lane country road and not let anyone pass and on coming traffic would have to stop and wait for them to get out of the way.
    One Saturday afternoon I had to move a Deere/Tiger Cat 648 Skidder like this one complete with duals-

    It was only a few miles and since Logging and Farm equipment has the legal right of way during daylight hours I just drove it down the road rather than load in on a truck.
    There I was running about 20 mph when here comes a bike club.They weren’t backing down and neither was I,only the Tiger took up the whole width of the road and about a foot on either side.Those idiots actually played Chicken with me until finally they all parted ways and went in the ditches.I never backed off the throttle :mrgreen: Should have seen all the dirty looks and middle finger salutes I got.

    The rest of bike riders don’t bother me at all,except for thse damn “Critical Massholes”that clog up city streets protesting something or another.They should be shot on sight :gunner

  5. MIchael in Nelson says:

    KG, what gets me about the commuter bike riders is they temd to dress as if they were major contenders in the Tour de France. :wtf

    • Cadwallader says:

      Agree…tight lycra across middle-aged spread is not a good look!

      • Darin says:

        Those goofy Aerodynamic helmets are a riot,damned if I would look like a Chimpanzee test pilot for an extra .002mph :popcorn

  6. Flashman says:

    Now that winter’s here, there’s also the NZ commuter biker niche who embrace this country’s bold national colour from top to toe whilst disdaining the use of lights and reflectors.

    I think of them as brain-dead Darwinian Ninjas.

    It’s also salutatory to remember that a considerable proportion of push bike commuters are obliged to be so on account of the fact that they are disqualified drivers.

  7. mawm says:

    Heh! I gave up cycling because of the attitiude of motorists to cyclists :rant ……..particulary bus and truck drivers. What happened to me on 3 occasions in as many weeks was deliberate and each one could have been fatal. And no, I never jumped lights or cycled to the head of a queue and plonked myself in front of the leading car, or deliberately blocked lanes, etc. Freaking ‘ell, what can be so important that motorists have to force cyclists off the road so that they can roar off with a show of testosterone-fueled pedal pressure. Wankers. :gunner

    BTW it is a great way to exercise and get away with wearing bright skin-tight clothing without being called ghey. :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      Ah yes, mawm…cyclists certainly don’t have pig-ignorant behaviour all to themselves. But the behaviour of some motorists is another subject. (I’ve often wished it was legal to toss a half stick of gelignite through their window.)
      I might mince around in lycra and logos next time I go pig-hunting…just to get the feel of why cyclists dress that way. :mrgreen:

      • Darin says:

        I was at the local Ford dealer the other day and was assaulted by the salesman wanting to sell me a new truck.He kept telling me if I didn’t see what I wanted that he could order it from the factory.
        I asked if they offered front and rear LAW rockets and a smoke generator,if not I wasn’t interested :grin:

      • Anonymous says:

        Horses for courses. Lycra works for cycling

        • Anonymous says:

          Mawm of course. How does one get a”smart” phone to recognise ones signature? Dumb phone! :???:

          • KG says:

            Dunno, mawm. We’re not smart enough around here to have a smart phone. :popcorn
            My complaint is that most mobiles are unnecessarily complicated and resource-hungry for those of us who just want to make a simple ‘phone call.

            • Anonymous says:

              Actually I’m finding mine pretty good. I can access the web from the bach and it is a pretty handy camera. I put some photos of our European trip on my blog. The quality is not bad considering that it is something that slips into the pocket so easily. mawm :cheers

              • KG says:

                I just want something waterproof, shockproof and utterly simple. A bit like..never mind. ;-)

                • Anonymous says:

                  Chuckle. Got to admit to the shockproofness wearing thin, still waterproof and uncomplicated.

  8. octagongrappler says:

    All the Greenies in Central Auckland never wear a helmut on a bike!! It makes me mad!!

    Personally I always use my helmut, However I dont think wearing a helmut should be made legal when riding a bike. Its just the complete lack of respect for the law I hate.. :rant

    • KG says:

      “Its just the complete lack of respect for the law I hate..”
      Then you’d hate me–I hold the law in utter contempt. :twisted:

  9. Moist von Lipwig says:

    I still drive a truck from time to time :grin: and I generally give cyclists the same courtesy they give me. In other words, act like a dickhead and you will be treated like one. But show some realisation that I am in a truck, and the constraints on maneuvering and stopping that go with it, and you’ll get as much room as I can give you.
    A good example is a quarry I cart out of. At the entrance is the start to a mountain bike track , so there are always lycras and lycrettes getting out of their cars, milling round and mounting up. One morning last week I come out and its wall to wall, mostly young lycrettes . I’m 38 tons, truck and trailer, its downhill and two lane with the bimbos taking up most of mine. I’m not going fast, but I’m not going in the other lane either, and they seem to sense this, so, the whole smug gaggle of them reluctantly shuffle a bit to the side. I roll on through and hit the exhaust brake (Jake),
    as I am alongside. I could hear the squeals from my seat in the cab. :mrgreen:

    • Darin says:

      :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

      I got a budd that pulls a Gravel bucket into and out of New Orleans,La everyday.He mounted a loud speaker under the hood to better communicate to his fellow motorists.

      It’s usually something like “HANG UP THE F—ING PHONE AND DRIVE DICKHEAD”

  10. KG says:

    “..there are always lycras and lycrettes getting out of their cars, milling round and mounting up..”
    :wtf :shock: They’re breeding… in public?

    • Darin says:

      May as well.I did see one well constructed Lycrette once that I followed for about two blocks.Never wanted to be a bicycle seat so much in my life :mrgreen:

    • Katie says:

      I hope not! I do believe that breeding in public is still illegal.


  11. tom says:

    When ever i encounter road hog club cyclists intent on taking up the entire road,i slow down in front of them and then give the vehicle a quick boot on the throttle.Anyone who drives a deisel like i do will know what happens then.

  12. oswald bastable says:

    I used to be a serious cyclist back when my k.ees were mostly intact. I could not abide the pack mentality, that seemed to go with the ‘Trendy, homo, lycra*-clad cyclists’ (as we used to call them)
    I always rode on my own and kept to the far left. Kinetic enery always trumps the rules of the road.
    Something these clowns that ride in gaggles fail to realise is that minimum following distances apply to THEM, too.

    There was always the expected ‘us and them’ between road users, but I have noticed it has gotten orders of magnitude worse since cycling went from being a sport to being part of the sanctimonius asshole greenie lifestyle. The one where they presume their saintly greeness gives them a FAR greater right to be on the road than an evil hydrocarbon rapist.

    *there is an exemption for plain black lycra shorts- these were essential for rides of a couple of hours, if you didn’t want your crotch looking like a raw steak.

    • Katie says:

      You can get the crotch looking like a raw steak just by having sex for a few hours. Black lycra shorts don’t help in this situation.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Where do men put their groinal particulars when riding bikes? Do they squash them off to one side or sit on them? Is it painful? I don’t know any male cyclists to ask. The bikies I see on the box don’t seem to have any or have I not been watching closely enough? Or is it that lycra wearing men don’t have any groinal apparatus to speak of?

    • Darin says:

      Narrower pelvis and more muscle means it isn’t a problem.When I was younger most of the time I was standing on the pedals anyway,you can go much faster that way :cool:

      Now that I am older and the back and knees ain’t what they used to be Recumbent bikes seem the wiser choice.I think maybe I’ll build one of these come winter,no Spandex though :mrgreen:

      Although one of these might be nice too-

  14. mistress mara says:

    Katie ….” crotch like raw steak by having sex for a few hours” …… J M & J!!! Why would anyone bother? :shock:

  15. kowtow says:

    I enjoy cycling,where it’s flat and with the wind from arseward.I don’t enjoy how a few brain dead motorists treat other more vulnerable road users,it’s simple courtesy.T he same applies to cyclists,and yes,like dog owners who let their pets shit everywhere the few obnocks give everyone a bad name.Taks on roads is a bad idea though.

    Talking of smug greenie arseholes, one that gets me is the fluoro vest some bike riders have that says “one less car”. That’s bollocks.If he gets knocked down i hope that a cyclebulance is turned out to take him to hospital. :idea:

  16. I’m sure there are decent cyclists around who do the right thing, but by their slow nature, they should not be allowed on public roads, they simply hold up traffic and piss everyone off.

    We’ve all heard that shit about the sharing the road, well then how about I bring a horse and carriage on the roads, suddenly no one wants to share anymore eh.

    If you can’t keep up with the traffic, then shove off to the side walk please.