More Inconvenient Truths

New Major study on Hurricanes shows no strengthening trend-

Daily Caller-

There’s been “no trend” in the number and intensity of hurricanes hitting the continental U.S. and the normalized damages caused by such storms over the past 117 years, according to a new study.

“Consistent with observed trends in the frequency and intensity of hurricane landfalls along the continental United States since 1900, the updated normalized loss estimates also show no trend,” reads the study, published in Monday in the journal Nature.

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5 Responses to More Inconvenient Truths

  1. Darin says:

    See also-Property rights victory in unanimous SCOTUS ruling-

    Techincally,it’s a Toad and not a Frog,and not to be confused with the Piney Woods Gopher Toad(which is identical,but for two extra spots).And they never were truly endangered,infact there are millions of them.The name “Gopher” means they live in burrows underground most of the time because they are fairly sensitive to changes in the weather.Looking for them on the wrong day means you won’t find any,mostly because they are a foot or so underground out of the cold.As a biologist friend of mine said about the spot number controversy-“it’s like the difference between Blondes,Brunettes and Redheads,they may look different,but they are all the same species”

  2. KG says:

    Yet, Stuff “News” NZ had a front page this morning filled with headlines screaming hysterically about the looming catastrophe of sea-level rises in store for NZ..”it’s already happening!”
    Does any sane, informed person really doubt that the media is a tool of the U.N. and vested warmist interests?
    Bastards. And Kiwis are swallowing this shit wholesale. Gawd ‘elp us.

    • Robertv says:

      And the U.N. is just a tool controlled by the money changers in the temple the Rothschilds & Co.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Speaking of inconvenient truths, the Politically Correct are finding their own ideology biting them in the ass.