Open House 5/16/20

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27 Responses to Open House 5/16/20

  1. Pascal says:

    Where are the legal eagles of the Right using this line of attack in the courts against the fascists and their media?

  2. Grog says:

    The ardarn – deliberately mis-spelled, shut up, Darin was turned away from a cafe recently. Any guesses as to the cafe staff recognizing her and “finding” an open table as quick as possible to kiss her ass???

    • Darin says:

      I still think she’s Herman Munster’s twin sister

      • Alan says:

        Fred Gwynne (Herman Munster) was much better looking to be her twin. Maybe his partner (car 54 where are you), Gunther Toody would be a better comparison.

  3. Grog says:

    Gecko, how are you doing? been almost two months since you shared any pictures on your blog.

    • Gecko says:

      Grog, I am doing well these days thank you
      I am going to be doing a little road travel soon, so hopefully that will kick start things!
      It’s hard to believe it will be 12 months since KG passed away next month …..

      • Grog says:

        You are well, that is good to know.

        12 months, yes, although he is still here in spirit.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    One of the first things I did when NZ went to Level 3 was to get a haircut. The business had a sign-in list for name and phone number. I am now Mallard Filmore who doesn’t have a phone.

    • Darin says:

      Next time you should be the Russian chauffeur Mr. Picup Andropov , or famed Urologist I.P. Freely

  5. mawm says:

    I hate that they all keep getting away with it. Every single one of them gets away with it. There is absolutely no price to be paid on the left for perjury, for conspiracy to overturn a legitimate election, for treason.

    – An editorial by Dov Fischer

    • Grog says:

      That’s one of the most accurate editorials this year, because Dov is calling out the hypocrites like Grassley and Paul who promise a lot, as he described, but do nothing.

  6. Darin says:

    Spendocrats in full plumage-

    Rep Senator John Kennedy had this to say-

    “That’s $3 trillion,” Kennedy began, listing the zeros one by one for impact. “It’s not going to pass the Senate nor should it. My fellow Republicans in the Senate have tried to see things from the Speaker’s point of view, but we can’t get our heads that far up our rear ends, and I think any fair-minded American would agree, once they read the bill.”

    • Pascal says:

      This is pelosi’s way of guaranteeing maximum pain on Americans. No big deal apparently. She’ll be re-elected by crook or by crook.

  7. Pascal says:

    Authorities and Press (BIRM) are playing this as coincidence as if masked men armed robberies couldn’t be foreseen.

    How many time here have I observed the many ways how criminals are the unofficial agents of the rotten Progs? I’ve lost count.

    Here’s the earliest I could find at CR, April 2018.

    Make no mistake about it. All Western globalist bent “democracies” are intending such a fate for you should you harm any one of their unofficial agents. In this case, charged with murder for killing a burglar in a struggle during the break-in.

    And KG agreed, adding a larger list of agents in response.

    Passed along to burglars – and rapists and adherants of a murderous cult/ideology/ religion as well. In fact pretty much anyone who is helping destroy civil society.

  8. Michael in Nelson says:

    Judging this by the source, I would assume the opposite is true.

    • Darin says:

      It would be a moot point, if the SCOTUS had not grabbed power for itself that was not granted to it by the Constitution in the first place. Originally the SCOTUS did not have the authority to rule on the constitutionality of laws. That right was the sole purview of the people via their elected representatives. The SCOTUS was only ever intended to rule in cases involving legal actions between states, between American citizens and the federal government, and between the US government and foreign nations.
      Same applies to amending the Constitution, it was solely the right of the people through our elected representatives. Even that has been overridden by a watering down of the ratification process.

  9. Michael in Nelson says:

    This young woman shows again why her press conferences are worth watching.