A Video they don’t want you to see

Removed from Youtube and Facebook, Dave Cullen interviews Delores Cahill-“Debunking the Covid 19 Narrative. About an hour, but worth it IMO and if for no other reason watch it just to gall the censors-


Business Insider were the ones who reported the video to FB and Youtube which got it removed BTW.  Modern book burners, Goebbels would be proud 

Dave gives the run down of what happened-

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9 Responses to A Video they don’t want you to see

  1. Pascal says:

    Thank you Darin. I hadn’t seen this one.

    It’s not only about a snitch seeking to get more hits to his hit piece behind a paywall, but his deceptive email to Dave was his coward’s way of crowing about being the skunk who got Dave’s video taken down. Dave is a bit too polite, eh?

  2. paul scott says:

    Yes, thanks CR for this video article. This is the greatest false flag ever perpetrated, and there has to be a reason and there is. The penalty for refusing the invasive “vaccine ” will limit what we can and can not do in the world, and it may even have serious limitations on those we can associate with. Hydroxychloroquine is still unavailable in Bangkok, having been sequestered entirely by the Army, Police, and elites. In New Zealand and Australia, our corrupt medical Councils are refusing the release of this medicine. So, I will be in the front line in the revolution, and I wonder how many of you I will see there?

    • Pascal says:

      If the vaccine works, then all those who comply with the order will survive. I refuse at my own risk to the virus and the vaccine takers should be safe from me.

      Conclusion: Should the state force me, then it wants me to succumb more to their will than from any virus. If death comes to any man from them, that is murder under color of authority. Nobody avoided the Nuremberg gallows pleading they were just following orders.

      • Why would anyone feel that my getting a vax to protect me protects them.

        • Pascal says:

          Why does liberal-think exist at all? These are the same people who believe that eliminating all guns will suddenly remove all violence. Some believe they are better than those who don’t believe as they do, and that’s a very difficult armor to penetrate.

    • mawm says:

      “In New Zealand and Australia, our corrupt medical Councils are refusing the release of this medicine.”

      You really don’t have a clue what you are talking about. The NZ Medical Council has absolutely nothing to do with deciding what drugs are on ode. That is the job of Pharmac. Yet you keep on repeating this B/S.

  3. Victor says:

    The documentary Plandemic is now also banned and censored

  4. Darin says:

    Here’s another video you won’t see on the evening news-


    Five minutes alone with that POS and he would never eat solid food or walk again-Fuck him :evil:

    To the editors at The Gateway Pundit: That is not a Black Man, that is in fact a Nigger, a type of sub-human, please learn the difference.

  5. Pb says:

    I think what is killing us is our disgusting lifestyle choices. The cure is Temperance, and you can’t put that in a syringe and flog it to govt medical sugar daddies.