This is not the Zombie Apocalypse

The “Covid time bomb” we were warned would result from holding the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally never materialized.


“Even using the largest number of positive tests and granting they all 222 resulted from rally attendance, 0.048% of attendees and contacts tested positive for COVID-19. Some states have done contact-tracing on people who tested positive post-rally and included those individuals in their reporting.

You won’t see this reported in the media nationally. It is too much good news. If almost half a million people can gather for an event that spans 10 days with this outcome, it puts their COVID-19 panic porn to rest. The case for mail-in voting would die. We could conduct a safe and secure election as usual. People could go back to work and school without screening tests or masks. And college football would be a go nationwide.”

Proper “social distancing” Sturgis style

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3 Responses to This is not the Zombie Apocalypse

  1. I would think the fact that Nancy Pelosi — who is in the demographic considered “high risk” — felt perfectly safe walking into a hair salon without a mask would be all the proof we need that the lockdown should end and life return to normal, including having polling places open on election day for in-person voting.