Open House 1/18/19

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Back When “Green” Prog Goals Were Still Covert

I want all here to be reminded how societal destabilizing goals that were patently obvious but not ready for prime time then, but are now forced upon society as mainstream, were never attacked in any way in any liberal rag’ op-ed. Even worse: disapproval was not even permitted serious discussion on “Right-wing” talk shows unless thrown in with outlandish conspiracy theories thereby serving to blunt public concerns. Continue reading

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A capon speaks:

‘A man’s guide to not being part of the #MeToo problem’

Sickening.  Pandering, grovelling cowardly and all too common among those who just can’t stand the burden of being a man. Those who imagine that becoming feminized is the answer to feminist extremism, instead of picking up the burden of being a man, picking up the responsibility of preserving the civilization built by men and raising decent boys in that mould.
Abject surrender and cowardice is never a pretty sight. Especially when the coward presumes to lecture other men.

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Burning out the Chaff

God I pray this is true-

Smoke them out!

“As one of the senior officials working without a paycheck, a few words of advice for the president’s next move at shuttered government agencies: lock the doors, sell the furniture, and cut them down.”

“The first thing we need out of this is better security, particularly at the southern border. Our founders envisioned a free market night watchman state, not the bungled bloated bureaucracy our government has become. But we have to keep the uniformed officers paid, which is an emergency. Ideally, continue a resolution to pay the essential employees only, if they are truly working on national security. Furloughed employees should find other work, never return and not be paid.”

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Wabbit having fun

yesterday. Sure, it’s the right-hand seat but very enjoyable nonetheless. (click on the image for a bigger version)

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Bravo, Damien Grant!

To find such a piece in this morning’s NZ Stuff “news” was a jaw-dropping delight. I damn near choked on coffee #7.

The baying mob of left-wing commentators aren’t brave or radical – and they can barely spell or use a spreadsheet

For, today’s radical isn’t the woke feminist railing about rape-culture or the campaigning Twitter activist ranting into the wind about the lack of state funding for transgender pre-teens. It is the handful, for that is all we are, who defies the increasingly oppressive strictures being imposed on us….

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Open House 1/11/19

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Time is running out for the EU

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The Theater Puppet Media

How the New York Times and others skewed,slanted and downright lied about the illegal alien invasion on our southern border-

The Federalist-

“A New York Times article originally headlined “Trump Cites Misleading Statistics of Crisis And Crime Along Border” failed to explain what the misleading statistics were. Perhaps that explains why they changed the headline to “Trump Escalates Border Wall Fight in National Address.”

In a rather shrill opinion piece billed as straight news, Peter Baker claimed, without evidence, that describing the situation as a crisis “raised credibility questions.” Then he went on to slay strawmen and other items the president didn’t even mention.”

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Hmmm…you don’t say,wonder what’s causing that?


From behind a paywall at the WSJ-

Gun use surges in Europe where ownership is rare

“When hundreds of women were sexually assaulted on New Year’s Eve in several German cities three years ago, Carolin Matthie decided it was time to defend herself. The 26-year-old Berlin student quickly applied for a gun permit, fearing many women would have the same idea and flood the application process”

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