The Brexit Apocalypse is Upon Us

Sargon makes some excellent points about the supposed Brexit apocalypse-mainly that the EU needs Britain more than Britain needs the EU,but then we have always known that.

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Open House

Headlines on Drudge-

Jobs up Big! +320,000

Record number working

Manufacturing best in 20 years

Hispanic unemployement lowest ever.

Dem house member- “we’re going to impeach the mother f–ker!”


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Lots of “Crisis” about and all of it Engineered

A good read-

Frontpage Mag-

From the essay:”The Founders limited presidential power for good reasons. History and their own experience with George III had taught them that “power is of an encroaching nature,” and that no man no matter now virtuous or noble, is beyond corruption by power. That’s what made Washington’s resignation of his commission after the Revolutionary War, and his refusal to run for a third presidential term, so remarkable and unprecedented. As George III himself said when told Washington would resign his commission, “If he does that he will be the greatest man in the world!”

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The Band

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“News” media fakes border crisis pics:

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Atlas Shrugged no longer Fiction

What Conservatives see as a cautionary tale,the left see as a blueprint-

American Thinker-

Continue reading

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Happy New Year!

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The mask is slipping..

“Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty”, according to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who told an audience in Berlin that sovereign nation states must not listen to the will of their citizens when it comes to questions of immigration, borders, or even sovereignty.


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From a sad, beautiful essay

By Peter Hitchens.

…They were the faithful, the best, self-selected for early childless death in the mud. We could not afford to lose them. Their names, listed intolerably outside Oxford and Cambridge Colleges, in the chapels of the great schools, and on granite memorials in every city, town, and village, are the names of those who would have maintained our traditions of Christian liberty and justice in every calling, profession, and trade, and who now lie, far from home, dead before they could get children and pass on their virtues. We who were left behind live in the ruins of a lost civilization, scuttling in and out of doorways too tall for us.

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Pixel parenting

‘Children are spending more and more time in front of technology screens—even as studies begin to reveal the damage.

……As the NIH study progresses, Americans will learn more about how screens harm children’s brains, but we already know that tablet screens compromise attentiveness, induce agitation, distort perspective, and hinder interaction. Speaking on 60 Minutes, pediatrician Dimitri Christakis confirmed screens’ effect on babies, noting that skills learned on iPads, such as “stacking” virtual blocks, don’t translate into physical skills. “They don’t transfer the knowledge from two dimensions to three,” Christakis told Cooper.

(bold mine)

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