Restoring Civilization

Selwyn Duke has some thoughts on it-

American Thinker-

Echoing many Founders, George Washington noted that “morality is a necessary spring of popular government.” The famous apocryphal saying goes, “America is great because America is good, and if she ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.” For sure, we can’t MAGA unless we MAMA — Make America Moral Again.

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Merry Christmas

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Stille Nacht

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The Wall is Cheap by any Standard

“We’re spending $45 billion a year in Afghanistan to help former Taliban fight the current Taliban, who are also fighting ISIS Taliban, with all the groups of warlords, militias, bandits and Koranic meth heads taking the occasional break from fighting each other to take a few shots at us.

That $45 billion that we burned through last year in Afghanistan has not saved a single American life. For $45 billion, we could have a border wall that would save thousands of American lives that have been lost at the hands of illegal alien murderers, drug traffickers and drunk drivers.”



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Open House 12/22/18

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Equal Occupational Fatality Day 2029

“Based on the BLS data for 2017, the next “Equal Occupational Fatality Day” will occur more than 10 years from now ­­– on May 3, 2029. That date symbolizes how far into the future women will be able to continue working before they experience the same loss of life that men experienced in 2017 from work-related deaths. Because women tend to work in safer occupations than men on average, they have the advantage of being able to work for more than a decade longer than men before they experience the same number of male occupational fatalities in a single year.”

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The big guns fire:

Coulter: Gutless President in Wall-Less Country

Rush Limbaugh on Border Wall: Trump Got ‘Less Than Nothing’

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VDH and the soft coup:

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Sure, AP is a dodgy source, but what if they’re right?

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Social Justice-The Rot in the RCC’s core

If you want to know why the current Pope is a Marxist,here is your answer-

The Embezzling Nuns From the Order That Helped Train Obama

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