Open House 12/14/18

Breaking: Federal Judge Strikes down Obamacare-

A federal judge in Texas struck down the Affordable Care Act on Friday night, ruling that former President Barack Obama’s signature domestic legislation has fallen down like a losing game of “Jenga.”

U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor in Fort Worth sided with the argument put forward by a coalition of Republican-leaning states, led by Texas, that Obamacare could no longer stand now that there’s no penalty for Americans who don’t buy insurance.

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It’s not a Conspiracy,It’s Worse

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Is Mike Hosking lying

or simply hopelessly uninformed?
Some background:
Mike Hosking has hosted his number one Breakfast show on Newstalk ZB since 2008.
He’s regarded as something of a rare conservative (or at least neutral) voice in NZ.
There was a petition in NZ to get rid of him as an election debate moderator, a petition that was ultimately unsuccessful but which raised nearly 80,000 signatures.

Today, the the relentlessly leftist NZ Herald – the same NZ Herald that claims to be “in partnership” with the U.N. on promoting global warming scare scenarios and scam “solutions”,  published this stunningly misleading article by Hosking on the Marrakesh conference on migration.
An article which flies in the face of the facts, the truth and the consequences of mass migration from undeveloped countries into the West. Consequences which are already glaringly obvious in Europe.
You decide. The article is below the fold.

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That is all.

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Open House 12/9/18

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“..and break it all to pieces..”

‘Great Violence’ in Paris Anticipated as Police Staff Join Macron Protests

The ballot box hasn’t worked. Peaceful protests haven’t worked. It’s time for this.

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Winston Churchill is spinning in his grave

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It couldn’t be any plainer:

‘This is a wake-up call!

The migrant invasion that has engulfed Europe is now attempting a replay in America. These past several years saw the European continent being inundated with migrants, mostly Muslim, military age males, people with no history or culture of democracy. They have turned European society upside down with massive crime, and culture chaos, at the same time bleeding the taxpayers with substantial social expenditures. In France there are separate Islamic societies, no-go zones where police will not enter, and Sharia law with all its brutality has displaced French law. We are now witness to the same playbook in our own country…’

“We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent.”—Statement by Council on Foreign Relations member James Warburg to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 2/17/1950

Canada’s Prime Minister Leading the Charge To Steal U.S. Sovereignty

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Singing the Song of Angry Men

Daily Mail-

‘Groups intent on trouble are appearing from all directions. They include those from the extreme right and the ultra-Left.’

The movement, organised through social media, has steadfastly refused to align with any political party or trade union but has grown into a mass movement amid frustration at Macron’s presidency.

The ‘yellow vests’ include many pensioners and has been most active in small urban and rural areas where it has blocked roads, closed motorway toll booths, and even walled up the entrance to tax offices.

Chantal, a 61-year-old pensioner who came from an eastern Paris suburb, said she was avoiding the ‘hooligans’ but was determined to send President Emmanuel Macron a message on the rising costs of living.

‘He has to come down off his pedestal,’ she said under cold rain on the Champs Elysees. ‘Every month I have to dip into my savings.’

That’s the thing about populist movements,it generally means you’ve pissed everyone off.

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Open House 11/30/18

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