F-22 program was killed….

…..so a new bomber could live” So says Retired Air Force Cheif of Staff General Norton Schwartz-

The Drive-

Retired Air Force Chief of Staff General Norton Schwartz has stated in his new memoir that F-22 production was idiotically axed after building less than half the required number so that the flying force could get then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to approve building a new stealth bomber.

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The Truth About London

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World’s Banks Prove that Al Gore & Co. are Frauds

Perhaps the reason this 5 minute but succinct video has only 440K views over 4 months is that it includes the first minute of an hysteric refusing to shut-up.

In order to help, I’ve queued this past that.

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Prophecy Comes True

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Open House

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Police as the U.K. State’s stormtroopers:

‘The police of Merseyside England have issued a thinly veiled threat against all users of social media who defend the life of Alfie Evans and accuse the Alder Hey Hospital of gross misconduct in holding him prisoner against his parents’ wishes.’

But they won’t investigate muslim rape gangs for fear of being called “racist”.

When the State can prohibit parents of a dying boy from seeking a cure overseas, then it has tipped into open, outright tyranny.

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For the Cause of Freedom

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Another Truckload of Peace Strikes Canada

Jihad season is off to a start as the season’s first truckload-o-diversity arrives in Canada.


So get your ballons,teddy bears and flowers ready for the candle light vigil and be sure to update your Facebook background to a Maple Leaf motif,because if you don’t,then they win,or something 

Update: Looks like a random nut this time,but give it a few days,I’m sure some muzzie nut will step up to the plate somewhere in the world.


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Looks like the Saud house is having a bad evening.



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The “diversity dividend”:

‘Leading Surgeon Says Violence in Khan’s London ‘Like South Africa’, Predicts ‘Summer of Carnage’…’

When laughter and “we told you so” is the only reasonable response.

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