Feminism Before and After

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Open House 5/11/18

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So Much Better-

Unlike Obama,Trump didn’t trade terrorists for a traitor-


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“If it rains in Israel it pours in Iran”

Things seem to be heating up in the ME since Trump said no deal to Iran-

Daily Mail-

This could get interesting .

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DeBussy on Guitar

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NZ: a bureaucrat’s paradise

‘John Tamihere: I’ve had enough of faceless well-paid bureaucrats
There are so many faceless bureaucrats that I felt this was an opportune time to list a few of the country’s top officials, their ministries, salary bands (taken from the 2015-2016 Senior Pay Report) the number of Fulltime Employees from 2016-2017 Report and their 2017 budget. This list does not include the army of consultants who cost the taxpayers millions on top of that.
….There is a total of 28 government departments/ministries that have 55,216 FTEs and a budget of $78.8 billion.
If your mind is not boggling after looking at those numbers, there is something seriously wrong.
Those departments are actually non-contestable monopolies…..’

This, in a tiny country of around five million people!

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Think Electronic Ballots Are Secure?

Guess again-


What does a case of Lottery fraud have to do with voter fraud?Everything,if one man on the inside can manipulate the software code to accurately predict the wining lotto numbers.Then why not someone on the inside of vote tallying machines rigging the system to skew the election?

Continue reading

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Open House

Daleks now working security at NYC’s LaGuardia Airport-


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Want to Join the Fight?

Here’s how you can help-


Hat tip to Tranquil

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The Real Reason Behind The Mueller Probe

It’s not what many think it is,sure the swamp would like to claim Trump’s presidency as a trophy,but that’s not the real target-

The Washington Examiner-

The real purpose is to bankrupt and humiliate anyone even remotely affiliated with Trump.And remember,it’s not the man,it’s what he stands for that’s the stick in their craw.Trump and by extention anyone who works for or supports him must be destroyed,otherwise their ideas could spread.

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