Don’t worry,the government will protect you


The Daily Mail-

“The driver behind the wheel of a New Jersey school bus that collided with a dump truck leaving a fifth-grader and a teacher dead had a history of license suspensions and speeding violations.

The state Motor Vehicle Commission said Tuesday the driver identified by his son as Hudy Muldrow Sr. had his license suspended 14 times between 1975 and 2017, mostly for administrative reasons. He also had eight speeding violations between 1975 and 2001.”

Who hired this incompetent ass? :evil:


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Clipboard Nazis

I wasn’t much older when I started plowing FFS! –

I suppose it would be much better according to the mal-adjusted marxist bastards,if the youngster were chomping Ritalin and being indoctrinated with gender fluidity training? :evil:

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Open House 5/18/18

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Robert Mueller’s Flock Shooting Fiasco

Thomas Lipscomb makes the case for why Mueller is an incompetent hack-

Robert Mueller’s Flock Shooting Fiasco

“But given his record, and the past year, Elmer Fudd Mueller is doing his earnest best. At this point, Mueller’s efforts are more laughable than to be feared. Like the hapless hunter in Tom Lehrer’s song, it appears all he has bagged is “Two game wardens, seven hunters, and a cow.”

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Tucker Carlson nails regressive a-hole:

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Music as it used to be

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This is insane!

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NZ’s shameful, joke PM

and illegitimate government, exposed for what they are.

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Promise Kept

Trump finally keeps a promise we made long ago-

“Last December, President Trump became the first world leader to recognize Jerusalem as our capital, and today, the United States of America is opening its embassy right here in Jerusalem,” Netanyahu said. “Thank you President Trump, for having the courage to keep your promises!”

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