Open House 6/1/18

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Italy in Crisis

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Thank God for Roseanne….

…afterall,she did knock Meygan Markle and Prince Harry off the frontpage for awhile…

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‘The Orwellian Jailing of Tommy Robinson’

Found by Mawm, now a post courtesy of Darin. Weston nails it perfectly.

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What was it all for?

Why did so many sacrifice and give their all,for so many only a few generations later to blindly give up and surrender to the very same enemy?

Right now citizen journalists are being arrested and sent straight to prison without trial for having the courage to report the truth.For having the audacity to peel back the covers errected to hide the truth from the light of day.

What is it going to take this time?Who will pick up the fight?The answer:Nobody,save a few Youtubers and some Bloggers and only until they are shutdown by a bunch of cowardly Eurocrat Hitler wannabes.

We may as well raise the new flag over London,they have won-

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BPS: Forced Blackouts of Political Arrests IS the News

Of course, several Crusaders have already noted the full arrival of a police state in the UK even before Tommy being “disappeared.” That otherwise unknown lady tracked down days later and arrested for asking police to enforce park rules last week was the canary in the coal mine for them.

Maybe we ought to put a clock on this video’s survival.

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Islam regards rape as a legitimate weapon of war

The British police and some politicians have for years protected Islamic rapists from prosecution for the rape of thousands of British women and girls.
Draw your own conclusions.

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Open House 5/26/18

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NZ’s illegitimate joke “government”:

‘KiwiBuild descends into farce’
The whole bloody government is a farce, a sham and a disaster in the making. These clowns are dealing with a drastic housing shortage (and associated high prices) by waving imaginary magic wands while NZ allows in a record 98, 3332 non-New Zealand citizens in the year to April! And that figure shows little sign of slowing.

The Housing Minister’s previous career was with Oxfam. The whole gang is mired in Green/communist/regressive bullshit, utterly unmoored from reality. Where is the voice of the opposition in all this?

Chinese influence

Continue reading

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Little Rocketman is at it again

Well I had hoped we were making progress,but I guess not yet at least-

The Daily Mail-

Time the crank up the pressure on China again,forget the puppet,go for the puppet master.

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