An endangered species

Lara Logan,one of the very few journalists I have any respect for,tells it like it is-


Logan concurred, “I agree with that. That’s true.” She described U.S. and international news media as “mostly liberal,” adding, “most” journalists are left.

“The media everywhere is mostly liberal, not just the U.S.,” assessed Logan.

Towards the end of the interview, Logan quipped, “This interview is professional suicide for me.”

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Open House 2/16/19

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Free speech, NZ style:

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Preach It!

Dallas Megachurch pastor calls never Trump Evangelicals “Spineless Morons”

Daily Caller-

“Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of one of the nation’s largest churches and a prominent evangelical supporter of President Donald Trump, criticized so-called “Never Trump” evangelicals as “spineless morons” who “cannot admit that they were wrong.”

“Let me say this as charitably as I can,” the First Baptist Dallas pastor said during a Wednesday appearance on “The Todd Starnes Radio Show”. “These ‘Never Trump’ evangelicals are morons. They are absolutely spineless morons and they cannot admit that they were wrong.”

To Jeffress and many other Christians who support Trump, it’s more about the policies, particularly on abortion, than the personal character of the person behind them.

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In the US Military…..

Scapegoat is now an occupational code.

The Federalist-

“Since the ambush, four-star general officers have done everything in their power to avoid taking any responsibility for their command’s failures. Instead, they push blame down to the lowest possible levels, desperately searching for scapegoats to deflect blame from their careers and systemic failures within the services. The solution is not to fault soldiers under fire, but to fix the universal problems in higher commands.

Unfortunately, the military is infected with the same level of incompetence at the highest levels as other organizations. It’s time the American people realized this, and forced our elected leaders to take greater interest and control in military affairs. Leadership failures of this magnitude disrespect our sons and daughters who serve, denigrate the armed services, and cannot be allowed to continue.”

Too much Brass riding chairs in DC,not enough in harms way,time to show them to the battle,or show them to the door.

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Open House 2/8/19

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“Green New Deal”

Occasional Cortex is at it again-

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Choosing Greatness


“Think of this Capitol — think of this very chamber, where lawmakers before you voted to end slavery, to build the railroads and the highways, to defeat fascism, to secure civil rights, to face down an evil empire,” Trump said, adding, “This is our future — our fate — and our choice to make. I am asking you to choose greatness.”

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More race-based theft from NZ taxpayers:

‘Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announces $100m funding package for Māori development and infrastructure

How many more billions are they “entitled” to?

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Just when does “Personhood” begin?

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