Open House 3/10/19

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The Dems and their “Jewish Problem”

Daniel Greenfield makes the connection between Socialism and Anti-Semitism-

Frontpage Mag-

“Anti-Semitism isn’t just a historical relic and Rep. Omar isn’t an outlier. The Democratic Socialists of America are rotten with anti-Semitism. Before she was defending Omar, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was chatting with Jeremy Corbyn. The British Labour leader has been widely condemned for his anti-Semitic remarks and for backing anti-Semitic allies whose hatred has been even more open than Omar’s.”

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UK offers new lessons for the kiddies… field dressing stab wounds-


“Run by charity Street Doctors, school children are taught how to deliver first aid to stabbing victims through role play, and learn how to stem blood loss, reports The Times.

The scheme operates in 16 cities across the country including London, where less than 15 per cent of the population live but one-third of all stabbings occur, according to NHS data.”

Why not run the full drill and teach them suppression fire and how to place a Claymore?At the rate things are going,that knowledge will come in handy by the time they finish middle school.

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Remembering Extortion 17

And why Joe Biden must never be allowed the presidency.

American Thinker-

-Extortion 17 was the call sign of a special operations mission in Afghanistan on Aug. 6, 2011, that responded to an Army Ranger unit engaged in a firefight with the Taliban and in need of backup.

The Chinook helicopter carrying the rescue team was shot down by a Taliban-owned rocket-propelled grenade over the Wardak Province on Aug. 6, 2011, killing 38, including 30 Americans and 15 members of Navy SEAL Team 6, the unit that killed Osama bin Laden just three months prior.

The shoot-down was described at the time as a “lucky shot,” but the families of the dead SEALs believe that, like Benghazi, it was a pre-planned operation of revenge facilitated by a government that put them in harm’s way without adequate support and with a bull’s-eye painted on their backs.

At a Pentagon briefing on Monday, May 2, 2011, a senior defense official was asked if it was a Navy SEAL team that found and killed the world’s most wanted man. The terse and proper response was: “Not going to comment on units or numbers.”

Then on May 3, Vice President Joe Biden got up to speak at a dinner at Washington’s Ritz Carlton Hotel marking the 50th anniversary of the Atlantic Council to spill the beans about Adm. James Stavridis and “the incredible, the phenomenal, the just almost unbelievable capacity of his Navy SEALs and what they did last Sunday.”

From that moment, the families believe, the Taliban looked for an opportunity for revenge, and a government more concerned with politically correct rules of engagement than victory helped them get it.-

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So It Is Different Priorities Then?

The Pay Gap,isn’t due to “patriarchy” or “sexism”-

The Federalist-

From the article-

“The research overwhelmingly suggests the sexes’ earnings gap is mostly not caused by sexism. It’s not an unequal pay for equal work issue, it’s largely that women do different work.”

It would go along way if Feminists would stop hating on women that decide to stay home and raise their own families.Bringing children into the world and raising them to adulthood is afterall a very important job.


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Open House 2/28/19

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Did anyone think they would vote any other way?

The Daily Caller-

“President Donald Trump reacted on Twitter Monday evening after the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act, which would have ensured that babies who survive abortions are given medical attention, failed to pass the Senate.

“Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children. The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “This will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of Congress. If there is one thing we should all agree on, it’s protecting the lives of innocent babies.”

Oh,and not to be left out,there were several republicans who didn’t vote,which is no less an endorsement of evil. :evil:

O rid us of this evil, Lord
And turn our hearts by cross or sword
Our nation cannot long afford
To live beneath Your anger

A curse, a curse upon their heads
O save them Lord or slay them dead
And fill our country with your Dread
And turn away Your anger.

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This is insane Utopianism

‘New rules mean every NZ rental home must have a heater’

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Let them back in?Not no,but Hell No!

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Lots of Collusion About,but none of it Russian

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