The Clock is Ticking

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Feel any safer?

Let the bubble wrapping begin!

Commie gun ban-

Like most things the left does,this will not work and of course according to Herman Munster’s kid sister,”more to come”will mean a total ban on all firearms.What does a total ban look like?Take New York City’s orginal ban,which leftists everywhere loved-it was a ban on “all projectile weapons or any device capable of launching a projectile” and yes this included slingshots.

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Open House

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The petition.

The media won’t publicise this petition, that’s for sure. More gun control – by whatever means possible and facts be damned – is just fine by the socialists who are exploiting mass hysteria.

The petition is here.


This morning’s NZ Herald headline surely has to mark a shameful turning point for Kiwis’ illusions about freedom.

Ardern to gun owners: Surrender your weapons now, before law changes

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PJW video

His final remarks raise an intriguing possibility…..

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Lies and propaganda, and the media gleefully repeat them.

As well as plenty of their own.
Experts tracking the rise of far-right terrorism say extremism has been growing in New Zealand and the warning signs of an attack have been apparent.
“For a long time [New Zealand] has assumed that this extremism is not here, but it is,” said Massey University Centre for Defence and Security Studies counter-terrorism expert Dr John Battersby.
Distance was no protection from from the rise of global extremism, with the flourishing of the right in Europe, and US President Donald Trump and the alt-right in America emboldening potential terrorists, he said.

New Zealand’s relaxed attitude towards gun ownership was also a major issue, with the gunman at Christchurch’s Deans Ave mosque carrying a horrific number of weapons, Battersby said.’

Battersby used to be (perhaps still is for all I know) Sergeant Battersby of the NZ police And the NZ Police Association is strongly in favour of ever more gun control, to the point where the union has even advocated taking guns out of the hands of “civilians”. (Last time I looked, police were civilians too)
Massey University is home to perhaps the greatest concentration of leftist academics and activists you’ll find anywhere, so of course they’e the go-to source for the socialist media which happily repeats their distorted and sometime flat-out lying views.
Oh, and while we’re at it, NZ does not have a “relaxed attitude” to gun ownership, far from it. The screening and qualification process to obtain a licence is obviously very effective, since less than 1% of firearms crimes are committed by licensed owners. That figure might have been “adjusted” by the anti-gun zealots recently, of course.

See: ‘Dishonest Academia’

‘Another lie about gun crime’

Firearm murders in New Zealand

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Hey, greenie idiots:

You’re being played for the fools you are by the warmist tax-grabbers. Get a grown-up to explain the big words in this article if it’s all too hard for your brainwashed little minds:

Sun’s Impact on Climate ‘Greater than Thought’ Shock

just one comment under the article kinda sums things up:
“During Earths history….. the average atmospheric CO2 was roughly 25 times more than it is now…. LIFE Exploded and Thrived! We could likely benefit from much more CO2…. Not Less.
AND…. it takes a VERY Special Intellect to believe that Big Yellow thing in the Sky has no effect on the Temperature and Climate!”


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Sadly,every word of it is true.

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College Bribery Scandal Unearthed

Bunch of celebs,business people etc caught in a massive bribery scam-


From the article-

” The schools themselves are not targets of the investigation, he said.”

And why the hell not? :evil:

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Tommy Robinson Goes on the Offensive

He’s suing the police for harrassment-

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