“Donald Trump’s harsh response to attacks”

By a leftard cow masquerading as a “reporter”. Read it and weep for commonsense and truth:
‘DONALD Trump has reacted to the explosions that rocked Brussels by describing it as a “disaster city” and warning that “this is just the beginning”.
Speaking on NBC’s TODAY, Trump said: “Belgium is no longer Belgium. Belgium is not the Belgium you and I knew from 20 years ago, which was one of the most beautiful and safest cities in the world.
“Belgium is a horror show right now. Terrible things are happening. People are leaving. People are afraid. This all happened because, frankly, there’s no assimilation.”…’
So far, pretty commonsense stuff, and the truth. Then Charlotte Willis gets the prog knife out.

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Slimy hypocrite of the week:

3274494600000578-0-image-m-57_1458653813154 ‘We need to stand together against appalling terrorists’: David Cameron..’

Yeah, and let another million or so of the invader bastards into the country, eh Dave? And how much “standing together” have you done, with your 24hr armed security detail and home far, far away from the muzbot ghettoes you’ve created?
And let’s not talk about your apparatchicks prosecuting Brits who speak out against the filth you’re importing, and the trashing of civil liberties in order to facilitate the destruction of an ancient civilization.

It’s high time we stood together and hanged the bastards who have made this situation inevitable. They are as responsible as the bombers who pull the pin, the gunmen who pull the trigger.

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Brussels+ Twitter+ Morons.

‘…”Someone else went on to say: “Please don’t turn this tragedy into a political debate. Show some respect.”…’        Link
Yeah, show some respect – ignore the role of politicians and bureaucrats and the media in this, and go and plant some pretty plastic flowers and teddy bears outside the Belgian embassy. That’ll do it.

‘A perfectly gutless Guardian headline’

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Japan gets it right

JapanOnMuslims  via Liberty’s Torch

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Open house

Any subject you fancy. Except golf.

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A slimeball’s true colors are showing:

GettyImages-516833516-640x480 HERE

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Picture a brain-dead cow….

split_3597975b And here it is.
‘British soldiers should have ‘cups of tea’ with Islamic State terrorists, says Corbyn ally
Christine Shawcroft – who sits on Labour’s National Executive Committee – claims soldiers should ‘get teabags out’ rather than resorting to air strikes

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aaaah…the joys of multiculturalism.

‘Refugee’ Gang Leaves Severed Head On Amsterdam Street
Obviously, it left the locals feeling suitably “enriched” by the experience.

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Relinquish power peacefully?

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Pediatricians Call It What It Is – Child Abuse

It’s about time someone calls down a marker and plants it were it belongs.

Read here

From the article:The American College of Pediatricians has released an in-depth report stating that the move to indoctrinate children with the idea that they can pick their gender amounts to child abuse.  They are urging legislators and educators to reject all policies that would condition children to accept chemical and surgical distortions allowing people to impersonate the opposite sex.”

It flatly is child abuse,worse in my mind than any belt mark or bloodied nose.

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